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Arsenic speciation in the River Zenne, Belgium
Baeyens, W.; de Brauwere, A.; Brion, N.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (2007). Arsenic speciation in the River Zenne, Belgium. Sci. Total Environ. 384(1-3): 409-419.
Peer reviewed article  

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 212098 [ download pdf ]

    Chemical elements > Metals > Heavy metals > Arsenic
    België, Zenne R. [Marine Regions]
    Zoet water

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  • De Gieter, M., meer
  • Leermakers, M., meer

    Arsenic species have been assessed in the Zenne River, a sewage contaminated tributary of the Scheldt estuary, in winter 2003. The highest total dissolved As concentrations were found in the middle part of the river with values up to 3.6 mu g L(-1). Particulate As concentrations increase towards the mouth of the River with highest levels of 2 mu g L(-1). A very good correlation between the % of dissolved As and % of dissolved Fe was observed. They both linearly decrease with the amount of dissolved oxygen.
    In the middle part of the Zenne River where the oxygen levels were lowest, even below 1 mg L(-1), As(III) was the dominant species. In the other parts (upstream and downstream) of the river, As(V) was dominant. A linear relation between the measured redox values and those calculated via the As(III)/As(V) couple exists, but the range of measured Eh values is much larger than the calculated ones. No methylated dissolved As species were found during our survey.

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