| Expertise> |
My work focusses on denitrification in marine sediments, with special emphasis on denitrifying bacteria and their trophic interactions with small invertebrate grazers and microphytobenthos. I use a multidisciplinary approach, in which both field measurements and lab experiments are conducted to identify and quantify the importance of these interactions on denitrification. | |
Vorige instituten (2) |
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- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (PAE), meer
Functie: PhD student
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), meer
Publicaties (4) |
Top | Publicaties |
A1 publicaties (2) [show] |
- Stock, F.; Cirri, E.; Nuwanthi, S.G.L.I.; Stock, W.; Ueberschaar, N.; Mangelinckx, S.; Pohnert, G.; Vyverman, W. (2021). Sampling, separation, and quantification of N-acyl homoserine lactones from marine intertidal sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 19(2): 145-157. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1002/lom3.10412, meer
- D'Hondt, A.-S.; Stock, W.; Blommaert, L.; Moens, T.; Sabbe, K. (2018). Nematodes stimulate biomass accumulation in a multispecies diatom biofilm. Mar. Environ. Res. 140: 78-89. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.06.005, meer
Boekhoofdstuk [show] |
- Cnudde, C.; Stock, W.; Willems, A.; Rigaux, A.; De Troch, M.; Moens, T. (2013). Spatio-temporal variation in harpacticoid copepod assemblages and of their food sources in an estuarine intertidal zone, in: Cnudde, C. Trophic ecology of intertidal harpacticoid copepods, with emphasis on their interactions with bacteria = Trofische ecologie van intertidale harpacticoide copepoden, met de nadruk op hun interacties met bacteriƫn. pp. 25-50, meer
Thesis [show] |
- Stock, W. (2013). Effects of copepods, diatoms and their interactions on denitrification in marine sediments: an experimental approach. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen: Gent. 36 pp., meer