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Monitoring hydrografie, waterkwaliteit en contaminanten voor het Belgische continentaal plat en de Westerschelde [Monitoring hydrography, water quality & contaminants for the Belgian continental shelf area and Western Scheldt]
Beschikbaarheid: De data kan beschikbaar gesteld worden op aanvraag via de hogervermelde contactgegevens.
The monitoring of the North Sea environment, especially in the area of the Belgian continental shelf and in the estuary of the Scheldt river (Western Scheldt) was initiated at MUMM in 1977. meer
Since 1977 the pattern of about 25 sampling stations at sea and 7 in the estuary, each one being visited with a frequency of 6 to 10 times a year, and water being taken from a standard depth of - 3m almost didn't changed. Several laboratories from Belgian universities and State research institutes are currently participating in that monitoring effort. The monitoring results for contaminants in biota and sediment are mainly received from the Fisheries Department. A first quality control has been performed in order to mark or eliminate spurious data. Currently the database is being converted in a new integrated system with query facilities and an inventory on the web. Used instruments : SCTD probes, Beckman salinometer, Niskin bottles, box corers, grab samplers and beam trawl. Laboratory analytical equipment. Scope Thema's: Biologie, Biologie > Planten, Bodemstalen (bv. boorstaal, baggerstaal, schepstaal), Fysisch, Fysisch > Hydrografie (bv. T, S), Kustonderzoek (bv. stranden, estuaria), Meteorologie, Meteorologie > Atmosferische samenstelling, Watersamenstelling, Watersamenstelling > Nutrienten Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Brak water, Hydrografie, Meteorologie, Milieubewakingsvoorzieningen, Nutriënten, Oceanografische geografische kenmerken, Pigmenten, Zware metalen, ANE, België, Belgisch Continentaal Plat (BCP), ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde, België, Zeeschelde Geografische spreiding ANE, België, Belgisch Continentaal Plat (BCP) [Marine Regions] ANE, Nederland, Westerschelde [Marine Regions] België, Zeeschelde [Marine Regions] Spreiding in de tijd
Vanaf 1977 [Gestart] Parameters
Ammonium Atmospheric humidity Cadmium (Cd) DDT (+DDD, DDE) Fosfaat (PO43-) Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Hexachlorocyclohexane compounds (HCH) Koper (Cu) Kwik Lood (Pb) Metalen Nitraat (NO3-) +Nitriet (NO2-) Saliniteit Secchi diepte Silicaat Som 7 PCB's Totale zwevende stof watertemperatuur Windrichting Windsnelheid Zink (ZN) Bijdrage door
Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC), meer, data creator
Université Libre de Bruxelles; École Interfacultaire de Bioingénieurs; Laboratoire d'Écologie des Systèmes Aquatiques (ESA), meer, data creator
MONIT: Monitoring the Belgian Continental Shelf and the Scheldt estuary, meer
Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Monitoring: veldonderzoek
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2006-10-02
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2017-04-20