English name: Maritime Technology Division
MRG keywords (6) : Aquaculture; Blue economy; Construction; Hydrodynamics; Renewable energy; Transport & mobility
Address: Technologiepark 60
9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 55 59
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (7) |
Abstract: |
In 1904, the research unit Naval Architecture was founded, which can be considered as the precursor of the current Maritime Technology division. This division was initially known as the 'laboratory for Naval Architecture' and later on as the 'service for Naval Architecture'.
The mission of the Maritime Technology division is threefold:
- ameliorate the academic education regarding the design, construction, propulsion, functioning and maintenance of marine structures such as ships, but also aquaculture and offshore constructions;
- fundamental and applied scientific research in the maritime field, especially regarding the hydrodynamics of vessels and other floating structures (floating photovoltaics, floating offshore wind, aquaculture);
- carry out scientific studies for and in collaboration with enterprises and public services in the maritime field.
The research undertaken by this division mainly focuses on maritime hydrodynamics, i.e. the behaviour of floating structures (mainly but not only ships) in the water. While the emphasis of the research lies on ship behaviour in shallow and confined water (access channels, rivers, canals, harbours), dynamics of other floating structures such as aquaculture plants and photovoltaic systems are also covered.
Research includes aspects such as model research, manoeuvring of ships in shallow water (with a focus on manoeuvring simulations), influence of fluid mud layers on ship behaviour (nautical bottom), ship-bank interaction, ship-ship interactions, moored vessel dynamics, arrival and departure arrangements for deep-drafted vessels, probabilistic admission policy, vertical ship movements caused by the squat effect and waves, sailing in and out of locks, inland and estuarine shipping (risk analysis), fairway design and equivalent bottom. In the context of the Knowledge Centre 'Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water', which was founded in 2008, there is a structural collaboration with Flanders Hydraulics Research. With the same laboratory there is a collaboration for the towing tanks in Antwerp and Ostend. |
Publications (26) |
Top | Person | Projects |
( 4 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Brouwers, B.; Meire, D.; Toorman, E.; van Beeck, J.; Lataire, E. (2023). Conditioning procedures to enhance the reproducibility of mud settling and consolidation experiments. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 290: 108407. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108407, more
Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Ides, S. (2019). Safety of container ship (un)loading operations in the Port of Antwerp: impact of passing shipping traffic. Maritime Business Review 4(1): 106-127. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/MABR-09-2018-0033, more
Verwilligen, J.; Eloot, K.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Full-scale measurements of vertical motions on ultra large container vessels in Scheldt estuary. Ocean Eng. 188: 106264. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106264, more
Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Delefortrie, G. (2012). Probabilistic regulation for inland vessels operating at sea as an alternative hinterland connection for coastal harbours. EJTIR 12(1): 111-131, more
- Van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Lataire, E.; Delefortrie, G. (2022). Autonomous ship control in shallow and confined water, in: Autonomous Ships Conference, 31 march - 1 april 2022, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London: conference proceedings. pp. [1-8], more
- Fioen, R. (2019). A simplified method to estimate the roll motions of an ultra large container shipbased on full-scale measurements. MSc Thesis. Ghent University. Maritime Technology Division: Ghent. xxiv, 141 pp., more
- Verwilligen, J.; Eloot, K.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M. (2019). Full-scale measurements of vertical motions on ultra large container vessels in Scheldt estuary, in: Candries, M. et al. 5th MASHCON International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water with non-exclusive focus on manoeuvring in waves, wind and current, 19 - 23 May 2019, Ostend, Belgium: conference proceedings. pp. 424-439, more
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Vantorre, M.; Ides, S. (2018). Container ships moored at the port of Antwerp: modelling response to passing vessels, in: 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama: papers. pp. [1-18], more
- van Zwijnsvoorde, T.; Vantorre, M.; Ides, S. (2018). Container ships moored at the port of Antwerp: modelling response to passing vessels, in: 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama: abstracts. pp. [1-2], more
- Verwilligen, J.; Mansuy, M.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2018). Full-scale measurements to assess squat and vertical motions in exposed shallow water, in: Proceedings of the 34th PIANC World Congress 2018 in Panama City, Panama. pp. [1-20], more
- Eloot, K.; Vantorre, M.; Adams, R.; Bosmans, S.; De Beukelaer-Dossche, M. (2015). Design guidelines versus practices for the Upper Sea Scheldt, the inland waterway connection between Antwerp and Ghent, in: SMART RIVERS 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7-11 September 2015: papers booklet. pp. paper 99 (12 p.), more
- Vantorre, M.; Candries, M.; Verwilligen, J. (2014). Optimisation of tidal windows for deep-drafted vessels by means of a probabilistic approach policy for access channels with depth limitations, in: 33rd PIANC World Congress - Navigating the new millenium, San Francisco, June 1 to 5, 2014: papers. pp. [1-18], more
- Vantorre, M.; Candries, M.; Verwilligen, J. (2013). Optimization of tidal windows for deep-drafted vessels by means of ProToel, in: IWNTM13: International Workshop on Nautical Traffic Models 2013. pp. 1-10, more
- Vantorre, M.; Lataire, E.; Candries, M.; Van Doorn, J.; van Heel, D. (2013). An equivalent bottom for navigation above irregular bottoms, in: Van Lancker, V. et al. (Ed.) MARID 2013: Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Bruges, Belgium, 15-17 April 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 65: pp. 301-308, more
- Richter, J.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2009). Decision supporting tools for determining tidal windows for deep-drafted vessels, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 116, more
- Richter, J.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K. (2009). Decision supporting tools for determining tidal windows for deep-drafted vessels [POSTER]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerpen. 1 poster pp., more
- Huygebaert, P. (2006). Voorspelling van de krachtwerking en de bewegingen bij afgemeerde schepen. Ir Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek: Gent. boekdeel 1 (VI, 84 + cd -rom); boekdeel 2 (appendices: V, 77) pp., more
- Vantorre, M.; Truijens, P.; Vandevoorde, B.; De Schrijver, M.; Smitz, H.; Laforce, E.; Heylbroeck, B.; Wackenier, B.; Claeyssens, P.; Van Steen, J.; Van Rompuy, F.; van der Werff, T.; Calluy, L. (2006). Risk analysis for inland vessels in estuary service, in: Trigo Teixeira, A. et al. (Ed.) 31st PIANC congress, 14-18 May 2006, Estoril Congress Centre, Portugal: book of abstracts. pp. 141, more
- Vantorre, M.; Vandevoorde, B.; De Schrijver, M.; Smitz, H.; Laforce, E.; Mesuere, M.; Heylbroeck, B.; Wackenier, B.; Claeyssens, P.; Van Steen, J.; Van Rompuy, F.; Vanderwerff, T.; Calluy, L. (2006). Risk analysis for inland vessels in estuary service, in: 31st PIANC congress, 14-18 May 2006, Estoril Congress Centre, Portugal: book of papers. pp. [1-11], more
- Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E.; Dumont, G.; Wackenier, W. (2002). Development of a probabilistic admittance policy for the Flemish harbours, in: Cox, R.J. (Ed.) 30th PIANC-AIPCN Congress, 22-26 September 2002, Sydney, Australia: book of abstracts. pp. 1299-1313, more
- Vantorre, M.; Laforce, E.; Dumont, G.; Wackenier, W. (2002). Development of a probabilistic admittance policy for the Flemish harbours, in: Cox, R.J. (Ed.) Proceedings on CD-ROM of the 30th PIANC-AIPCN Congress, 22-26 September 2002, Sydney, Australia. , more
- Vantorre, M.; Wackenier, B. (1999). Scheepsbewegingen in de Scheurpas: proeven in kalm water. WL Rapporten, 518. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Gent. different pagination pp., more
- Vantorre, M.; Fierens, N.; Claeyssens, P.; Rymenants, H. (1997). Scheepsbewegingen in de Scheurpas. Interimrapport 2: 01.12.1996 - 31.05.1997. WL Rapporten, 518. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Gent. 48 pp., more
- Vantorre, M.; Fierens, N.; Claeyssens, P.; Rymenants, H. (1997). Scheepsbewegingen in de Scheurpas. Interimrapport 3: 01.06.1997 - 30.11.1997. WL Rapporten, 518. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Gent. 65 pp., more
- Vantorre, M.; Wackenier, B. (1997). Scheepsbewegingen in de Scheurpas: keuze van de karakteristieken van kritische en maatgevende schepen. WL Rapporten, 518. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Gent. 24 + tabl., fig. pp., more
- Vantorre, M.; Fierens, N.; Claeyssens, P. (1996). Scheepsbewegingen in de Scheurpas. Interimrapport 1: 01.03.1996 - 30.11.1996. WL Rapporten, 518. Universiteit Gent. Afdeling Maritieme Techniek/Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Gent. 45 pp., more
Projects (5) |
Top | Person | Publications |
- Determination nautical bottom in muddy areas, more
- Investigation of the influence of swell on ship motions in the Scheurpas, more
- Oprichten en ondersteunen kenniscentrum ondiep water, more
- Sleepbootopleiding Haven Antwerpen, more
- Toegang MSC containerschepen bij ontwerp diepgang 14,5 m, more