This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (EWI-IWT), more
English name: Research Foundation - Flanders
Thesaurus terms (2) : Financing; Funding
Address: Egmontstraat 5
1000 Brussel Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)2-512 91 10
Fax: +32-(0)2-512 58 90
| |
Type: Administrative
Abstract: |
The Fund stimulates and funds fundamental academic research at the universities in the Flemish Community and at scientific research institutes. It is Flanders' instrument for supporting and stimulating fundamental research and advancing its quality on the basis of academic, inter-university competition. Fundamental research is sustained by first-rate, highly specialised researchers: it is the basis for new knowledge and its associated human capital open ways for the goal-oriented, applied, technological, strategic research. By creating prosperity and well-being it stimulates as well the concerned community as the society as a whole. The fund endeavours to achieve its purpose by: support for individual researchers, supporting prominent research teams, promoting (national and international) scientific contacts and co-operation, awarding scientific prizes and participating in international co-operation projects. |
Projects (33) |
Top | Event |
- A fundamental study on exchange processes in river ecosystems, more
- A systematic-ecological study of the intertidal microphytobenthos of the Westerschelde (Nederland), more
- Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems, more
- Characterisation of the toxicological mode of action and effect-evaluation of fluorinated organochemicals in marine and estuarine organisms, more
- Development and changes in the port of Antwerp: political, institutional, micro and macro economic aspects (1900-1994), more
- Development of simulation models for two-phase flow on geophysical scale, with applications to sediment transport in estuaries and coastal zones, more
- DIVPROD: Diversity - Productivity Relationships in Microphytobenthos, more
- Ecological characterization of European estuaries, with emphasis on the Scheldt estuary, more
- Een nieuwe meettechniek gekoppeld aan een nieuwe modelbenadering voor de bepaling van de effectieve valsnelheid van een flocculerend sediment in estuaria., more
- Food, oxygen and bioturbation: an experimental study of meiofauna community structure, more
- Functional and structural aspects of biodiversity in an estuarine detrital food web, with emphasis on free-living nematodes and their interactions with bacteria, more
- Geomorphological and sediment dynamical research on a meso- and microscale in the maritime part of the Scheldt estuary, more
- Koolstof en stikstof cycli in de Westerschelde : het ontwikkelen van een geïntegreerde visie en de identificatie van de belangrijkste organismen in die cycli, more
- Kwantification and modellation of the pelagic microbial foodweb in an estuarine system, i.c. the Schelde estuary, more
- Micro-distribution of free-living aquatic nematodes in an heterogeneous environment, more
- Microphytobenthos on the Belgian coast and the Scheldt estuary: a systematic-ecological study, more
- Modellen voor een integraal waterbeheer: beleidsinstrumenten voor een optimale waterkwantiteit en -kwaliteit, more
- Modelling migrations of marine juvenile fish between coastal zones and estuaries, more
- Numeric simulation of sediment transport in estuaries and coastal zones, more
- Parasitic fauna of juvenile (O+) fish populations in Voordelta, Oosterschelde and Westerschelde, more
- Rotterdam and Antwerp: a century and a half of port competition in the Rhein-Scheldt-Meuse delta (1860-2000), more
- Simulation of currents using 2,5 D and 3D numeric models. Applications on the Southern Iceseas and the Scheldt estuary, more
- Structure and dynamics of microplancton communities in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium, Netherlands). I, more
- Structure and dynamics of microplancton communities in the Scheldt estuary (Belgium, Netherlands). II, more
- Temporele en spatiale variaties in metaalgehalten gekoppeld aan sedimenten in het Schelde-estuarium, more
- The balance between heterotrophic and autotophic processes in the Scheldt estuary: consequences for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, more
- The influence of structural changes in (harbour) silt on it's mechanical behaviour, more
- Tidal freshwater marshes as processors and sinks of nitrogen in estuaries: a whole ecosystem 15N-labeling study, more
- Time dependent transport of natural sediment mixtures with application toward sewer systems and river estuaries, more
- Trophical interactions in protist communities of intertidal estuarine sediments. I, more
- Trophical interactions in protist communities of intertidal estuarine sediments. II, more
- VlaNeZO: Vlaams - Nederlandse samenwerking op het gebied van zeewetenschappen, more
- Zoetwaterschorren als "sinks" voor stikstof: dynamiek van het benthische compartiment en het onderzoek naar hun rol in estuariene stikstofretentie, more
Event |
Top | Projects |
- Estuarine workshop with emphasis on zooplankton, the drainage basin approach and restoration ecology. Can we benefit from a multi - estuaries approach?, more