Data Download Toolbox
All datasets in ScheldeMonitor can be accessed via the built-in toolbox of ScheldeMonitor. In this toolbox datasets can be searched for and filtered on the basis of several criteria. Subsequently, the data are freely available for downloading in CSV format or via webservices.
Datafiches RShiny-applicatie
Data and metadata from monitoring are described and thematically divided into a collection of data sheets. These data sheets are searchable within an interactive RShiny application, that visualizes data retrieved in real-time out of the underlying databases.

Several datasets are converted into GIS material to be able to interpret them spatially. These spatial products are available within ScheldeMonitor via the built-in Geoviewer.
GitHUB Organisation
ScheldeMonitor has created a GitHUB organisation to be able to apply versioning to projects, that executed in commision of ScheldeMonitor or the VNSC. The organisation consists of public and private repositories, that are dedicated to specific projects and publications.
Gallery of Graphs
This gallery contains a collection of data sets that are based on products in PDF and JPG formats. It consists of graphs, plots and maps made by ScheldeMonitor or a partner. These products are to be used freely, with adequate reference to the originator of the product.

Integrated Marine Information System
IMIS contains a lot of references on all kinds of publications, people, institutes, datasets and projects that are related to the Scheldt, the estuary and all activities that take place therein.

Marine Data Archive
Partners of the different Project Working Groups of the VNSC may request access to the online data archive of MDA, where original data files are stored that have been delivered to the ScheldeMonitor.

RShiny Apps
VLIZ has provided applications made in RShiny, to be used by users to create graphs and figures from data within ScheldeMonitor. Doing so, ScheldeMonitor aims to make data on nutrients, water levels, wave levels and species distribution in the Scheldt estuary more accessible.

RStudio Server
ScheldeMonitor provides an online RStudio environment that is accessible to researchers to run their R-scripts in an online and centralized environment, accompanied by data from ScheldeMonitor. This environment is accessible after authentication.