Université Libre de Bruxelles; Faculté des Sciences; Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Environnement; Unité Modélisation Biogéochimique Système Terre; Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry (LoCGE), more, partner
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (PAE), more, partner
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more, partner
Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken; Waterwegen en zeekanaal NV (W&Z), more, partner
An ecosystem model is a tool to monitor the effects of managment strategies on the ecosystem functioning. In OMES the further development an existing ecosystem-model (MOSES) of the Sea Scheldt is the priority. In the OMES project already a lot of chemical, biological and ecological data were gathered to improve the knowledge of the ecosystem of the Scheldt estuarine. To increase insight, experimental project were established at Kruibeke and Lippenbroek to monitor and simulate environmental conditions in controlled flooding area's. An integrated and coordinated monitoringsprogram is nevertheless necessary to develop further future research on the functioning of the estuarine ecosystem of the Scheldt.
The 4th phase of OMES continues the monitoring of the different ecosystem components, but will give more attention to the possible role of flooding areas that can be used as protection strategy against floods, especially to the high value of these areas as ecological important habitats.
The following studies, concerning the different components of the estuarine ecosystem, will be executed:
Fourth phase, 2006-2007
The basic water quality in the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
Primary production in the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
Sedimentology of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
The phytoplankton of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
The zoöplankton of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
Study on the vegetation under tidal range in the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary: 2 mesocosmos experiments and experimental area Lippenbroek details 'presentation'
Evaluation and update of the OMES database, concerning the data of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary details
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