English name: Hydraulics laboratory
Thesaurus terms (8) : Beach protection; Coast defences; Coastal engineering; Coastal morphology; Harbour design; Sediment transport; Wave energy; Wave propagation
MRG keywords (4) : Coastal defence; Construction; Hydrodynamics; Sediment mechanics/dynamics
Geographical term : ANE, Belgium, Brugge, Zeebrugge [Marine Regions]
Address: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
9000 Gent Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 32 81
Fax: +32-(0)9-264 35 95
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (3) |
Abstract: |
The Hydraulics laboratory was founded in 1935. The research activities of the laboratory concern the broad field of hydraulics within the civil engineering domain. The group has a special interest for hydraulic structures, hydro- and morphodynamics of rivers and estuaries, and eco-hydraulics. Laboratory and field measurements are used as a basis for the validation of mathematical models.
Regarding coast- and estuary-related hydraulics, research is performed on the following topics:
- idealised modelling of tidal hydrodynamics and morphodynamic equilibria of tidal systems;
- hydro- and morphodynamics of estuaries, rivers and open channel junctions;
- hydrodynamics and mass transfer between a flow and a lateral embayment;
- hydraulic design of structures (locks, weirs, fish passes, bed and bank protection, etc.).
In the future, the laboratory will continue to study the abovementioned topics, in collaboration with Belgian and foreign universities. |
Publications (12) |
Top | Persons | Projects |
( 4 peer reviewed ) split up filter
- Boelens, T.; Schuttelaars, H.; Plancke, Y.; De Mulder, T. (2020). Historical and future development of the tidally averaged transport of sandy sediments in the Scheldt estuary: a 2D exploratory model. Ocean Dynamics 70(4): 481-504. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-019-01339-2, more
- Vergeynst, J.; Pauwels, I.; Baeyens, R.; Coeck, J.; Nopens, I.; De Mulder, T.; Mouton, A. (2019). The impact of intermediate-head navigation locks on downstream fish passage. River Res. Applic. 35(3): 224-235. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/rra.3403, more
- Boelens , T.; Schuttelaars, H.M.; Schramkowski, G.; De Mulder, T. (2018). The effect of geometry and tidal forcing on hydrodynamics and net sediment transport in semi-enclosed tidal basins. Ocean Dynamics 68(10): 1285-1309. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1198-9, more
- Geerts, L.; Cox, T.J.S.; Maris, T.; Wolfstein, K.; Meire, P.; Soetaert, K. (2017). Substrate origin and morphology differentially determine oxygen dynamics in two major European estuaries, the Elbe and the Schelde. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 191: 157-170. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2017.04.009, more
- Boelens, T. (2020). Depth-averaged idealised modelling of the hydro- and morphodynamics of tidal inlet systems and estuaries. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. ISBN 978-94-6355-379-7. xxi, 200 pp., more
- Meire, D.; Claeys, S.; Plancke, Y. (2017). Characterization of uncertainty in the measuring of bottom transport using ADCP, in: Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods 2017 Conference (HMEM 2017). pp. [1-6], more
- Vercruysse, J.B.; Verelst, K.; De Mulder, T. (2016). Stilling basin design for inlet sluice with vertical drop structure: scale model results vs. literature formulae [PRESENTATION]. Presented on the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liège, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University: Antwerp. 26 slides pp., more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.B.; De Mulder, T.; Fahner, T.; De Cock, W.; Pauwels, H. (2015). Hydraulic design of a filling emptying system for the new Royers lock in the port of Antwerp (Belgium) [PRESENTATION]. Presented on the 36th IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, The Hague, 03 July 2015. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 19 slides pp., more
- Verelst, K.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Peeters, P.; Heredia Gomez, M.; De Mulder, T. (2015). Erosion and sedimentation near the renovated weir lock complex of Asper in Belgium, in: Cheng, L. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion - ICSE 2014, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2-4 December 2014. pp. 535-544, more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.; De Mulder, T.; Fahner, T. (2015). Hydraulic design of a filling emptying system for the new Royers lock in the port of Antwerp (Belgium), in: E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. pp. 4563-4574, more
- De Mulder, T.; Vercruysse, J.B.; Peeters, P.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2013). Inlet sluices for flood control areas with controlled reduced tide in the Scheldt estuary: an overview, in: Bung, D.B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the international workshop on hydraulic design of low-head structures, Aachen, Germany, February, 20-22, 2013. pp. 43-53, more
- Vercruysse, J.B.; De Mulder, T.; Verelst, K.; Peeters, P. (2013). Stilling basin optimization for a combined inlet-outlet sluice in the framework of the Sigmaplan, in: Bung, D.B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the international workshop on hydraulic design of low-head structures, Aachen, Germany, February, 20-22, 2013. pp. 55-66, more
Projects (4) |
Top | Persons | Publications |
- A fundamental study on exchange processes in river ecosystems, more
- Beheersing van het slibtransport in niet-bevaarbare waterlopen als deel van het integraal waterbeheer: project Zwalmbekken, more
- Research for sedimenttransport phenomena in coastal areas, rivers and sewers, more
- Time dependent transport of natural sediment mixtures with application toward sewer systems and river estuaries, more