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De visfauna van de Nederlandse estuaria: een vergelijkend onderzoek
Hovenkamp, F.; van der Veer, H.W. (1993). De visfauna van de Nederlandse estuaria: een vergelijkend onderzoek. NIOZ-rapport, 1993(13). Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee: Den Burg. 121 pp.
Part of: NIOZ-rapport. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ): Den Burg. ISSN 0923-3210, more
Peer reviewed article  

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  • Hovenkamp, F.
  • van der Veer, H.W.

    Geeft een overzicht van alle sinds 1960 waargenomen vissoorten in de Waddenzee, Eems-Dollard, de Oosterschelde en de Westerschelde. Het eerste deel omvat een vergelijking op kwalitatieve grondslagen en geeft een overzicht van de verdeling van de vissoorten volgens de ecologische classificaties estuariumgebruik en verspreiding van de waterkolom. De verschillen tussen de estuaria worden aangegeven. Het tweede deel bestaat uit een vergelijking van de seizoenvariatie in de vangsten in de Eemscentrale, het Marsdiep en de Oosterschelde gedurende 1981-1982. In het derde deel komt de kwantitatieve verspreiding aan de orde.

Datasets (20)
  • Fitted year coefficients for a pull in the Western Scheldt at 10 m depth and the mean geometric catch per year in the Western Scheldt for Pleuronectes platessa, more
  • Fitted year coefficients for a pull in the Western Scheldt at 10 m depth and the mean geometric catch per year in the Western Scheldt of Gadus morhua, more
  • Fitted year coefficients for a pull in the Western Scheldt at 10 m depth and the mean geometric catch per year in the Western Scheldt of Limanda limanda, more
  • Fitted year coefficients for a pull in the Western Scheldt at 10 m depth and the mean geometric catch per year in the Western Scheldt of Merlangius merlangus, more
  • Fitted year coefficients for a pull in the Western Scheldt at 10 m depth and the mean geometric catch per year in the Western Scheldt of Solea solea, more
  • The catch of 0-group cod (Gadus morhua < 24 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1970-1979, more
  • The catch of 0-group cod (Gadus morhua < 24 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1980-1989, more
  • The catch of 0-group cod (Gadus morhua < 24 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1990-1999, more
  • The catch of 0-group dab (Limanda limanda < 10 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1970-1979, more
  • The catch of 0-group dab (Limanda limanda < 10 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1980-1989, more
  • The catch of 0-group dab (Limanda limanda < 10 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1990-1999, more
  • The catch of 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa < 13 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1970-1979, more
  • The catch of 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa < 13 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1980-1989, more
  • The catch of 0-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa < 13 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1990-1999, more
  • The catch of 0-group sole (Solea solea < 14 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1970-1979, more
  • The catch of 0-group sole (Solea solea < 14 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1980-1989, more
  • The catch of 0-group sole (Solea solea < 14 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1990-1999, more
  • The catch of 0-group whiting (Merlangius merlangus < 22 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1970-1979, more
  • The catch of 0-group whiting (Merlangius merlangus < 22 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1980-1989, more
  • The catch of 0-group whiting (Merlangius merlangus < 22 cm) during autumn DFS in the Western Scheldt in de subsequent years 1990-1999, more

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