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Analysis of volatile organic compounds, using the purge and trap injector coupled to a gas chromatograph/ion-trap mass spectrometer: review of the results in the Dutch surface water of the Rhine, Meuse, Nothern Delta Area and Westerscheldt, over the period 1992-1997
Mieremans, C.J.H.; van der Velde, L.E.; Frintrop, P.C.M. (2000). Analysis of volatile organic compounds, using the purge and trap injector coupled to a gas chromatograph/ion-trap mass spectrometer: review of the results in the Dutch surface water of the Rhine, Meuse, Nothern Delta Area and Westerscheldt, over the period 1992-1997. Chemosphere 40(1): 39-48.
Peer reviewed article  

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    Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 280932 [ request ]

    Analysis > Chemical analysis
    Volatile compounds
    Water quality
    ANE, Netherlands, Meuse R. [Marine Regions]; ANE, Netherlands, Rhine estuary [Marine Regions]; ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde [Marine Regions]
    Marine/Coastal; Brackish water

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  • Mieremans, C.J.H.
  • van der Velde, L.E.
  • Frintrop, P.C.M.

    Volatile organic compounds are widely introduced into the Dutch aquatic environment. Liquid-liquid extraction and isolation by means of resins give poor recoveries for volatiles. In this study, a method has been developed to analyse these compounds with a purge and trap injection (PTI) coupled to a chromatograph/ion trap mass spectrometer. Volatile compounds are " purged " from the sample by carrier gas flow and transported through a condenser to a cooled trap. The bulk of liquid matrix is condensed in the condenser, while volatile compounds are left unaffected. The compounds of interest are trapped at a low temperature, by liquidnitrogen in the cooled trap of fused silica. Injection takes place by flash heating of the trap. In this paper a review of the results over the period 1992-1997 is presented. For calamities causing high levels of volatiles, the method is very useful. The compounds can be monitored over a certain period. In the Meuse, high levels of volatile organic compounds are observed.

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