Publications (31) |
Top | Publications |
A1 Publications (10) [show] |
Lodder, Q.J.; Slinger, J.H.; Wang, Z.B.; van der Spek, A.J.F.; Hijma, M.P.; Taal, M.; van Gelder-Maas, C.; de Looff, H.; Litjens, J.; Schipper, C.A.; Löffler, M.; Nolte, A.J.; van Oeveren, C.; van der Werf, J.J.; Grasmeijer, B.T.; Elias, E.P.L.; Holzhauer, H.; Tonnon, P.K. (2023). The Coastal Genesis 2 research programme: outputs, outcomes and impact. Ocean Coast. Manag. 237: 106499., more
- Guo, L.; Xu, F.; Van der Wegen, M.; Townend, I.; Wang, Z.B.; He, Q. (2021). Morphodynamic adaptation of a tidal basin to centennial sea-level rise: the importance of lateral expansion. Cont. Shelf Res. 226: 104494., more
Zheng, J.; Elmilady, H.; Röbke, B.R.; Taal, M.; Wang, Z.B.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; de Vet, P.L.M.; van der Wegen, M. (2021). The impact of wind‐waves and sea level rise on the morphodynamics of a sandy estuarine shoal. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 46(15): 3045-3062., more
de Vet, P.L.M.; van Prooijen, B.C.; Colosimo, I.; Steiner, N.; Ysebaert, T.J.W.; Herman, P.; Wang, Z.B. (2020). Variations in storm-induced bed level dynamics across intertidal flats. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 12877., more
- Zhu, Q.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Maan, D.C.; Wang, Z.B.; Yao, P.; Daggers, T.; Yang, S.L. (2019). The heterogeneity of mudflat erodibility. Geomorphology (Amst.) 345: 106834., more
de Vet, P.L.M.; van Prooijen, B.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2017). The differences in morphological development between the intertidal flats of the Eastern and Western Scheldt. Geomorphology (Amst.) 281: 31-42., more
- Wang, Z.B.; Van Maren, D.S.; Ding, P.X.; Yang, S.L.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; De Vet, P.L.M.; Winterwerp, J.C.; de Vriend, H.J.; Stive, M.J.F.; He, Q. (2015). Human impacts on morphodynamic thresholds in estuarine systems. Cont. Shelf Res. 111(part B): 174-183., more
- Van Maren, D.S.; Winterwerp, J.C.; Decrop, B.; Wang, Z.B.; Vanlede, J. (2011). Predicting the effect of a Current Deflecting Wall on harbour siltation, in: Le Hir, P. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes (INTERCOH '07), Brest, France, September 25-28, 2007. Continental Shelf Research, 31(10, Suppl.): pp. S182-S198., more
- Bolle, A.; Wang, Z.B.; Amos, C.; De Ronde, J. (2010). The influence of changes in tidal asymmetry on residual sediment transport in the Western Scheldt. Cont. Shelf Res. 30(8): 871-882., more
- Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Wang, Z.B. (2010). Impact of dredging and dumping on the stability of ebb–flood channel systems. Coast. Eng. 57(6): 553-566., more
Books (2) [show] |
Wang, Z.B. (2015). Sustainability of the multi-channel system in the Westerschelde under influence of dredging and disposal. IAHR: The Hague. 6 pp., more
Winterwerp, J.C.; Wang, Z.B.; van Pagee, J.A.; Mostaert, F.; Meersschaut, Y.; De Mulder, T.; Claessens, J. (2002). Morphological changes in the Scheldt estuary and its consequences on hydrodynamics [PRESENTATION]. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 24 slides pp., more
Book chapters (4) [show] |
- van der Wegen, M.; Wang, Z.B.; Townend, I.; Savenije, H.H.G.; Roelvink, J.A. (2009). Long-term morphodynamic modeling of equilibrium in an alluvial tidal basin using a proces-based approach, in: Vionnet, C. et al. (Ed.) River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. RCEM 2009. , more
Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Wang, Z.B.; Keiller, D. (2007). Impact of setbacks on the estuarine morphology, in: Dohmen-Janssen, C.M. et al. (Ed.) (2008). River, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics: RCEM 2007. Proceedings of the 5th IAHR symposium on river, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, Enschede, The Netherlands, 17-21 september 2007. pp. 1125-1132, more
Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Wang, Z.B.; Keiller, D.; Townend, I.; Liek, G.A. (2003). Morphological response of estuaries to nodal tide variation, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts 2003 (IRTCES), Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics and Estuary, Hangzhou, China, November 9-11, 2003. pp. 166-173, more
Wang, Z.B.; Winterwerp, J.C. (2001). Impact of dredging and dumping on the stability of ebb-flood channel systems, in: Proceedings of the 2nd IAHR symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Sept 2001, Obihiro, Japan. pp. 515-524, more
Abstracts (3) [show] |
- Colina Alonso, A.; van Maren, D.S.; Herman, P.M.J.; van Weerdenburg, R.J.A.; Huismans, Y.; Wang, Z.B. (2021). Feedback loops arising from sand-mud interaction cause bimodal mud contents, in: INTERCOH2021, 13-17 September 2021 - Delft, The Netherlands: book of abstracts. pp. 49, more
de Vet, P.L.M.; Van Prooijen, B.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2016). Human impact on intertidal flats in the Eastern and Western Scheldt, in: NCK days 2016, 16 - 18 March: book of abstracts. pp. 63, more
Wang, Z.B.; de Vriend, H.J.; Ding, P. (2013). Morphodynamic development of the Yangtze and Scheldt estuaries under influence of human interferences, in: Coco, G. et al. River, coastal, and estuarine morphodynamics: RCEM 2013. Book of abstracts of the proceedings of the 8th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Santander, Spain, June 9-13, 2013. pp. 1, more
Reports (8) [show] |
De Maerschalck, B.; van der Werf, J.; Kolokythas, G. K.; Quataert, E.; van Oyen, T.; Vroom, J.; Dijkstra, J.; Wang, Z.B.; Vanlede, J.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2017). Modellering Belgische kustzone en Scheldemonding: deelrapport 2. Morfologische analyse scenario's Vlaamse Baaien. Versie 3.0. WL Rapporten, 15_068_2. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium/Deltares: Antwerpen. XIII, 107 + 36 p. bijl. pp., more
Wang, Z.B.; Elias, E.P.L.; Brière, C. (2007). Long-term interaction between the Dutch coast and the tidal basins. Deltares: [s.l.]. [diff. pag.] pp., more
Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Wang, Z.B.; van der Kaaij, T.; van Helvert, M.; van Ormondt, M.; Bruinsma, R.; Tanczos, I. (2004). Morfologische ontwikkelingen in het Schelde-estuarium bij voortzetting van het huidige beleid en effecten van een verdere verdieping van de vaargeul en uitpolderingen langs de Westerschelde: Deelovereenkomst 2 en 3 Morfologie. Arcadis/Technum/WL | Delft Hydraulics: Antwerpen, Delft. 228 pp., more
Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Tanczos, I.C.; Wang, Z.B. (2003). Evaluatie van het beleid voor vaargeulonderhoud en zandwinning sinds de tweede vaargeulverdieping op basis van veldwaarnemingen en het verbeterde cellenconcept Westerschelde. Deltares: [s.l.]. [diff. pag.] pp., more
van Helvert, M.A.G.; Wang, Z.B. (2002). ESTMORF Westerscheldeberekeningen 2002: fase 2. Deltares: Delft. iii, 25 + bijlagen pp., more
Wang, Z.B.; van Helvert, M.A.G. (2001). ESTMORF, a model for long-term morphological development of estuaries and tidal lagoons: overall review of the development of the model. WL|Delft Hydraulics: Delft. [diff. pag.] pp., more
Wang, Z.B.; Cloin, B. (1999). Verkennende studie verbetering weergave intergetijdegebied Westerschelde. WL|Delft Hydraulics: Delft. 24 + appendix pp., more
v.d. Weck, A.; Schilperoort, T. (1998). Final version of the ESTMORF model. Version 4.0. WL | Delft Hydraulics: Delft. II, 39 + 7 p. tables, 20 p. figures, 2 p. app. pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Jeuken, M.-C.J.L.; Tánczos, I.; Wang, Z.B. (2003). Evaluatie van het Huidige Bagger-, Stort- en Zandwinbeleid met behulp van het Onderbouwde Cellenconcept Westerschelde. WL | Delft Hydraulics: [s.l.]. , more
Thesis (co-)promotor (3) [show] |