Projects (21) |
Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Analysis of mercury species in fish for local consumption as well as the study of causes of higher toxic levels, more
- Atmospheric transport, deposition and air-sea exchange of Hg, more
- Biogeochemical cycles of C, N and water balances, more
- Biological availability of heavy metals in sediments and benthos of the Scheldt estuary, more
- Comparative study of bioaccumulation and effects of metals in mussels between a temperate and a subtropical region: the Scheldt estuary (Antwerpen Harbour - Flanders) and the Richards Bay Harbour (South-Africa), more
- Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment, more
- Heavy metals in sediments of the Scheldt, more
- Koolstof en stikstof cycli in de Westerschelde : het ontwikkelen van een geïntegreerde visie en de identificatie van de belangrijkste organismen in die cycli, more
- Maintenance and exploitation of a laboratory-container aboard the R.V. Belgica, for marine pollution surveillance, more
- Metalen in de Scheldesedimenten, more
- Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het Sigmaplan, baggeractiviteiten en havenuitbreiding in de Zeeschelde op het milieu, more
- Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment, more
- Spatial and Temporal assessment of high Resolution Depth profiles Using novel Sampling Technologies - phase II, more
- Studie naar de koolstofcyclus in het Vlaams gedeelte van het Schelde-estuarium, more
- The balance between heterotrophic and autotophic processes in the Scheldt estuary: consequences for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, more
- The Biogeochemistry of Nutrients, Metals and Organic Micropollutants in the North Sea, more
- The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
- The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
- Tidal freshwater marshes as processors and sinks of nitrogen in estuaries: a whole ecosystem 15N-labeling study, more
- Tracing and Integrated Modeling of Natural and Antropogenic Effects on Hydrosystems, more
- Zoetwaterschorren als "sinks" voor stikstof: dynamiek van het benthische compartiment en het onderzoek naar hun rol in estuariene stikstofretentie, more
Datasets (2) |
Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Leermakers, M.; Gao, Y.; Gabelle, C.: Lojen, S.; Ouddane, B. Wartel, M; Baeyens, W. (2005). Dataset on the determination of high resolution porewater profiles of trace metals in sediments of the Rupel river (Belgium) using DET (Diffusive Equilibrium in Thin films) and DGT (Diffusive Gradients in Thin films) techniques. Available on (URL), accessed on (date)., more
- STARDUST Phase 2, more
Publications (110) |
Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
A1 Publications (45) [show] |
- Ma, T.; Perrot, V.; Baeyens, W.; Li, G.; Lievens, S.; Ngo, H.T.T.; Nguyen, T.T.T.; Leermakers, M.; Gao, Y. (2024). Mercury distribution, mobilization and bioavailability in polluted sediments of Scheldt Estuary and Belgian Coastal Zone. J. Hazard. Mater. 465: 133209., more
- Ma, T.; Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M.; Smolíková, V.; Luo, M.; Li, G.; Vandeputte, D.; Perrot, V.; Gao, Y. (2023). Investigation on metal geochemical cycling in an anthropogenically impacted tidal river in Belgium. Sci. Total Environ. 882: 163604., more
- Perrot, V.; Ma, T.; Vandeputte, D.; Smolikova, V.; Bratkic, A.; Leermakers, M.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y. (2023). Origin and partitioning of mercury in the polluted Scheldt Estuary and adjacent coastal zone. Sci. Total Environ. 878: 163019., more
- Luo, M.; Zhou, C.; Ma, T.; Guo, W.; Percival, L.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y. (2022). Anthropogenic activities influence the mobilization of trace metals and oxyanions in coastal sediment porewaters. Sci. Total Environ. 839: 156353., more
- Abdulbur-Alfakhoury, E.; Trommetter, G.; Brion, N.; Dumoulin, D.; Reichstädter, M.; Billon, G.; Leermakers, M.; Baeyens, W. (2021). Distribution of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh) in urban tributaries of the Scheldt River assessed by diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT). Sci. Total Environ. 784: 147075., more
- Gaulier, C.; Zhou, C.; Gao, Y.; Guo, W.; Reichstädter, M.; Ma, T.; Baeyens, W.; Billon, G. (2021). Investigation on trace metal speciation and distribution in the Scheldt estuary. Sci. Total Environ. 757: 143827., more
- Vandermarken, T.; Gao, Y.; Baeyens, W.; Denison, M.S.; Croes, K. (2018). Dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in sediment samples and suspended particulate matter from the Scheldt estuary and the North Sea Coast: comparison of CALUX concentration levels in historical and recent samples. Sci. Total Environ. 626: 109-116., more
- Elskens, M.; Gourgue, O.; Baeyens, W.; Chou, L.; Deleersnijder, E.; Leermakers, M.; de Brauwere, A. (2014). Modelling metal speciation in the Scheldt Estuary: combining a flexible-resolution transport model with empirical functions. Sci. Total Environ. 476-477: 346-358., more
- Gao, Y.; de Brauwere, A.; Elskens, M.; Croes, K.; Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M. (2013). Evolution of trace metal and organic pollutant concentrations in the Scheldt River Basin and the Belgian Coastal Zone over the last three decades. J. Mar. Syst. 128: 52-61., more
- Gourgue, O.; Baeyens, W.; Chen, M.S.; de Brauwere, A.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Elskens, M.; Legat, V. (2013). A depth-averaged two-dimensional sediment transport model for environmental studies in the Scheldt Estuary and tidal river network. J. Mar. Syst. 128: 27-39., more
- Charriau, A.; Lesven, L.; Gao, Y.; Leermakers, M.; Baeyens, W.; Ouddane, B.; Billon, G. (2011). Trace metal behaviour in riverine sediments: Role of organic matter and sulfides. Appl. Geochem. 26(1): 80-90., more
- de Brauwere, A.; De Ridder, F.; Gourgue, O.; Lambrechts, J.; Comblen, R.; Pintelon, R.; Passerat, J.; Servais, P.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.; Kärnä, T.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E. (2009). Design of a sampling strategy to optimally calibrate a reactive transport model: Exploring the potential for Escherichia coli in the Scheldt Estuary. Environ. Model. Softw. 24(8): 969-981., more
- Brion, N.; Andersson, M.G.I.; Elskens, M.; Diaconu, C.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F.; Middelburg, J.J. (2008). Nitrogen cycling, retention and export in a eutrophic temperate macrotidal estuary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 357: 87-99., more
- Baeyens, W.; de Brauwere, A.; Brion, N.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (2007). Arsenic speciation in the River Zenne, Belgium. Sci. Total Environ. 384(1-3): 409-419., more
- Chen, M.S.; Wartel, S.; Lavkulich, L.M.; Baeyens, W.; Goeyens, L.; Brion, N. (2007). Organic matter and dissolved inorganic nitrogen distributions in estuarine muddy deposits. Aquat. ecosyst. health manag. 10(1): 69-85., more
- De Brabandere, L.; Brion, N.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F. (2007). d15N dynamics of ammonium and particulate nitrogen in a temperate eutrophic estuary. Biogeochemistry 82(1): 1-14., more
- Sanctorum, H.; Windal, I.; Hanot, V.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (2007). Dioxin and dioxin-like activity in sediments of the Belgian Coastal Area (Southern North Sea). Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 52(3): 317-325., more
- Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2006). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(2): 395-407., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Leermakers, M.; De Gieter, M.; Nguyen, H.L.; Parmentier, K.; Panutrakul, S.; Elskens, M. (2005). Overview of trace metal contamination in the Scheldt estuary and effect of regulatory measures. Hydrobiologia 540(1-3): 141-154., more
- De Gieter, M.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W. (2005). Fluxes and major transport routes of arsenic in the Scheldt estuary. Mar. Chem. 95(1-2): 15-30., more
- Leermakers, M.; Gao, Y.; Gabelle, C.; Lojen, S.; Ouddane, B.; Wartel, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (2005). Determination of high resolution pore water profiles of trace metals in sediments of the Rupel River (Belgium) using DET (Diffusive Equilibrium in Thin Films) and DGT (Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films) techniques. Water Air Soil Pollut. 166(1-4): 265-286, more
- Baeyens, W.; Monteny, F.; Leermakers, M.; Bouillon, S. (2003). Evalution of sequential extractions on dry and wet sediments. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 376(6): 890-901., more
- Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M.; Papina, T.; Saprykin, A.; Brion, N.; Noyen, J.; De Gieter, M.; Elskens, M.; Goeyens, L. (2003). Bioconcentration and biomagnification of mercury and methylmercury in North Sea and Scheldt estuary fish. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 45(4): 498-508., more
- Hellings, L.; Dehairs, F.; Van Damme, S.; Baeyens, W. (2001). Dissolved inorganic carbon in a highly polluted estuary (the Scheldt). Limnol. Oceanogr. 46(6): 1406-1414., more
- Leermakers, M.; Galletti, S.; Brion, N.; Baeyens, W. (2001). Mercury in the southern North Sea and Scheldt estuary. Mar. Chem. 75(3): 229-248., more
- Hellings, L.; Van Den Driessche, K.; Baeyens, W.; Keppens, E.; Dehairs, F. (2000). Origin and fate of dissolved inorganic carbon in interstitial waters of two freshwater intertidal areas: A case study of the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium. Biogeochemistry 51(2): 141-160., more
- Hellings, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Tackx, M.; Keppens, E.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1999). Origin and fate of organic carbon in the freshwater part of the Scheldt Estuary as traced by stable carbon isotope composition. Biogeochemistry 47(2): 167-186., more
- Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M. (1998). Elemental mercury concentrations and formation rates in the Scheldt estuary and the North Sea. Mar. Chem. 60(3-4): 257-266., more
- Van Ryssen, R.; Alam, M.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (1998). The use of flux-corer experiments in the determination of heavy metal re-distribution in and of potential leaching from the sediments. Wat. Sci. Tech. 37(6-7): 283-290., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J. (1997). Evolution of trace metal concentrations in the Scheldt estuary (1978-1995). A comparison with estuarine and ocean levels. Hydrobiologia 366: 157-167., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Meuleman, C.; Muhaya, B.; Leermakers, M. (1997). Behaviour and speciation of mercury in the Scheldt estuary (water sediments and benthic organisms). Hydrobiologia 366: 63-79., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, I.; Van Ryssen, R.; Leermakers, M. (1997). The impact of the Scheldt input on the trace metal distribution in the Belgian coastal area (results of 1981-1983 and 1995-1996). Hydrobiologia 366: 91-108., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Goeyens, L.; Monteny, F.; Elskens, I. (1997). Effect of organic complexation on the behaviour of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn in the Scheldt estuary. Hydrobiologia 366: 81-90., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Monteny, F.; Van Ryssen, R.; Leermakers, M. (1997). A box-model of metal flows through the Scheldt estuary (1981-1983 and 1992-1995). Hydrobiologia 366: 109-128., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Parmentier, K.; Goeyens, L.; Ducastel, G.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (1997). The biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary: results of the 1995 surveys. Hydrobiologia 366: 45-62., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, M.; Gillain, G.; Goeyens, L. (1997). Biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary during the period 1981-1983. Hydrobiologia 366: 15-44., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Eck, B.T.M.; Lambert, C.; Wollast, R.; Goeyens, L. (1997). General description of the Scheldt estuary. Hydrobiologia 366: 1-14., more
- Muhaya, B.B.M.; Leermakers, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1997). Total mercury and methylmercury in sediments and in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor at Groot Buitenschoor (Scheldt estuary, Belgium). Water Air Soil Pollut. 94(1-2): 109-123, more
- Leermakers, M.; Meuleman, C.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1995). Mercury speciation in the Scheldt estuary. Water Air Soil Pollut. 80(1-4): 641-652., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Leermakers, M.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Lansens, P. (1991). Modelization of the mercury fluxes at the air-sea interface. Water Air Soil Pollut. 56: 731-744., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Panutrakul, S.; Elskens, M.; Leermakers, M.; Navez, J.; Monteny, F. (1991). Geochemical processes in muddy and sandy tidal flat sediments. Geo-Mar. Lett. 11(3-4): 188-193., more
- Elskens, M.; Leermakers, M.; Panatrakul, S.; Monteny, F.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1991). Microbial activity in sandy and muddy estuarine sediments. Geo-Mar. Lett. 11(3-4): 194-198., more
- Panutrakul, S.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1991). Behaviour of heavy metals in a mud flat of the Scheldt estuary, Belgium. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 22(3): 128-134, more
- Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Gansbeke, D. (1989). Tight coupling between enrichment of iron and manganese in North Sea suspended matter and sedimentary redox processes: evidence for seasonal variability. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 29: 457-471, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Goeyens, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Decadt, G. (1984). Dynamic patterns of dissolved nitrogen in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 18(5): 499-510., more
Peer reviewed publications (9) [show] |
- Gourgue, O.; Baeyens, W.; Chen, M.; de Brauwere, A.; de Brye, B.; Deleersnijder, E.; Elskens, M.; Legat, V. (2013). A depth-averaged two-dimensional sediment transport model for environmental studies in the Scheldt Estuary and tidal river network. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 15(EGU2013-13172): 1., more
- Gillikin, D.P.; Steenmans, D.; DeHairs, F.; Baeyens, W.; Navez, J.; André, L.; Keppens, E.; CALMARs group (2004). Calibration and validation of the mussel Mytilus edulis as an environmental archive. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 6: 04054, more
- Panutrakul, S.; Monteny, F.; Baeyens, W. (2001). Seasonal variations in sediment sulfur cycling in the Ballastplaat mudflat, Belgium. Estuaries 24(2): 257-265., more
- Leermakers, M.; Elskens, M.; Panatrakul, S.; Monteny, F.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1993). Geochemistry of mercury in an intertidal flat of the Scheldt estuary. Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol. 27(2-4): 267-277., more
- Monteny, F.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, M. (1993). The behaviour of copper and zinc in the Scheldt estuary. Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol. 27(2-4): 279-286., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Decadt, G.; Elskens, I. (1987). Trace metals in the eastern part of the North Sea: 1: Analyses and short-term distributions. Oceanol. Acta 10(2): 169-179, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Ronday, F.; Dehairs, F.A. (1987). Trace metals in the eastern part of the North Sea: 2. Flows of Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn through the coastal area. Oceanol. Acta 10(3): 301-309, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1982). An automated method for the assessment of mercury adsorption rates on particulate suspended matter. Oceanol. Acta 5(3): 261-264, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, B.; Elskens, I. (1979). Study of the distribution of mercury in the various compartments of the North-Sea and Scheldt estuary ecosystems. Oceanol. Acta 2(4): 447-457, more
Books (3) [show] |
- Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) (1998). Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128. Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-0-7923-5158-0; e-ISBN 978-94-017-3573-5. XVI, 167 pp., more
- Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1986). Biogeochemical regulation of stable pollutant transfer in open sea and coastal environments (heavy metals and organochlorine residues). Part A: Trace and major elements Final report of contract env-766-B (1984-1986). VUB: Brussel. , more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Jacques, T.G. (1981). Environmental management in the Scheldt estuary, Belgium : a review of past and present trends. Pilot study on estuarine management. NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society: [s.l.]. 30 pp., more
Book chapters (29) [show] |
- Baeyens, W. (2012). The Scheldt River basin: effects of wastewater purification on surface water quality, in: Wynants, M. et al. (Ed.) Bridges over troubled waters. pp. 147-154, more
- Gillikin, D.P.; Dehairs, F.A.; Lorrain, A.; Steenmans, D.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; André, L. (2005). Barium uptake into the shells of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction, in: Gillikin, D.P. Geochemistry of marine bivalve shells: the potential for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. pp. 183-207, more
- Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M.; De Gieter, M.; Nguyen, H.L.; Elskens, M. (2002). Trace contaminants in water-column and food-web of the Scheldt estuary, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 27, more
- De Brabandere, L.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (2002). Assessment of the pelagic food web structure of the Scheldt estuary from C and N stable isotope ratios, in: ECSA Local Meeting: ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future, Antwerp, Belgium October 7-10, 2002: abstract book. pp. 37, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Brion, N.; Dehairs, F.A.; Leermakers, M. (2001). De Schelde en de Belgische kustzee: ecosysteem of afvoersysteem van polluenten, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Beheer van kust en zee: beleidsondersteunend onderzoek in Vlaanderen: Studiedag, Oostende, 9 november 2001. VLIZ Special Publication, 4: pp. 18-21, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J. (1998). Evolution of trace metal concentrations in the Scheldt estuary (1978-1995). A comparison with estuarine and ocean levels, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 157-167., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Eck, B.T.M.; Lambert, C.; Wollast, R.; Goeyens, L. (1998). General description of the Scheldt estuary, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 1-14., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Meuleman, C.; Muhaya, B.; Leermakers, M. (1998). Behaviour and speciation of mercury in the Scheldt estuary (water sediments and benthic organisms), in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 63-79., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Goeyens, L.; Monteny, F.; Elskens, I. (1998). Effect of organic complexation on the behaviour of dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn in the Scheldt estuary, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 81-90., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, I.; Van Ryssen, R.; Leermakers, M. (1998). The impact of the Scheldt input on the trace metal distribution in the Belgian coastal area (results of 1981-1983 and 1995-1996), in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 91-108., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Parmentier, K.; Goeyens, L.; Ducastel, G.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (1998). The biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary: results of the 1995 surveys, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 45-62., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Monteny, F.; Van Ryssen, R.; Leermakers, M. (1998). A box-model of metal flows through the Scheldt estuary (1981-1983 and 1992-1995), in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 109-128., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, M.; Gillain, G.; Goeyens, L. (1998). Biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary during the period 1981-1983, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 15-44., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J. (1996). Trace metals in the Scheldt estuary and the North Sea: export, transformation or storage?, in: Dialogue between scientists and users of the sea: Proceedings of a Symposium held on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the civil service oceanographic research vessel Belgica, Ostend, 17-19 October 1994. pp. 113-123, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Leermakers, M. (1996). Particulate, dissolved and methylmercury budgets for the Scheldt estuary (Belgium and The Netherlands), in: Baeyens, W. et al. Global and regional mercury cycles: sources, fluxes and mass balances. pp. 285-301., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1989). Stable pollutants in the eastern part of the North Sea, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 325-340, more
- Monteny, F.; Leermakers, M.; Vandenhoudt, A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1989). Stable pollutants in the Scheldt estuary, in: Pichot, G. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research 1989: proceedings of the North Sea Symposium held in Ghent, 14 February 1989. pp. 423-430, more
- Baeyens, W.; Gillain, G.; Hoenig, M.; Dehairs, F. (1986). Mobilization of major trace elements at the water-sediment interface in the Belgian coastal area and the Scheldt Estuary, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Marine interfaces ecohydrodynamics: proceedings of the 17th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 42: pp. 453-485., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Gillain, G.; Djenidi, S.; Hoenig, M.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.A. (1985). Metal flows in, out and through the Belgian coastal waters, in: Van Grieken, R. et al. (Ed.) Progress in Belgian Oceanographic Research: Proceedings of a symposium held at the Palace of Academies Brussels, 3-5 March 1985. pp. 125-135, more
- Dedeurwaerder, H.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (1985). Estimates of dry and wet deposition of several trace metals in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Lekkas, T.D. (Ed.) Heavy metals in the environment. pp. 135-137, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Gillain, G. (1982). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part V: Interaction kinetics between dissolved inorganic mercury and estuarine suspended matter, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 109-124, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H. (1982). Distribution, transport and fate of Bi, Cu, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Zn in the Belgian coastal marine environment. Part IV: The river Scheldt as a transport route of heavy metals to the sea, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 86-108, more
- Gillain, G.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1982). Sampling techniques and analytical methods, in: Disteche, A. et al. (Ed.) Geconcentreerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 2. Distribution, transport and fate of heavy metals in the Belgian coastal marine environment. pp. 13-39, more
- Baeyens, W.; Adam, Y.; Mommaerts, J.-P.; Pichot, G. (1981). Numerical simulations of salinity, turbidity and sediment accumulation in the Scheldt estuary, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.) Ecohydrodynamics: proceedings of the 12th International Liège Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 32: pp. 319-332., more
- Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1980). Determinations of mercury in various compartments of a coastal marine ecosystem, in: Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: verslag van de studiedagen = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapports des journées d'études. pp. 59-73, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Elskens, I. (1979). Determination of dissolved, particulate and total mercury in the watercolumn of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, with adapted analytical procedures, in: Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: verslag van de studiedagen = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapports des journées d'études. pp. 235-254, more
- Mommaerts, J.-P.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G. (1979). Synthesis of research on nutrients in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: verslag van de studiedagen = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapports des journées d'études. pp. 215-234, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J. (1977). Etude de la dispersion et des méchanismes de transport du mercure dans un estuaire: 2. Développement d'un modèle mathématique de dispersion bidimensionnel et dépendant de la marée dans l'estuaire de l'Escaut, in: Elskens, I. et al. (Ed.) Studie en beheer van het mariene systeem: 4de Colloquium E4-77, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 juli-5 augustus 1977, vol. 2. pp. 331-341, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.A. (1977). Etude de la dispersion et des méchanismes de transport du mercure dans un estuaire: 1. Etude de la cynétique d'interaction du mercure avec d'autres sonstituants dans l'estuaire de l'Escaut, in: Elskens, I. et al. (Ed.) Studie en beheer van het mariene systeem: 4de Colloquium E4-77, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 juli-5 augustus 1977, vol. 2. pp. 316-330, more
Abstracts (3) [show] |
- Li, G.; Baeyens, W.; Leermakers, M.; Ma, T.; Gao, Y. (2024). Mobilization and distribution of trace metals in the Scheldt sediments, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 32, more
- de Brauwere, A.; De Ridder, F.; Gourgue, O.; Lambrechts, J.; Comblen, R.; Pintelon, R.; Passerat, J.; Servais, P.; Elskens, M.; Baeyens, W. (2009). Timing and placing samplings to optimally calibrate a reactive transport model: exploring the potential for Escherichia coli in the Scheldt estuary, in: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009: A Cruise Through Nice Waters, 25-30 January 2009, Nice, France. pp. 63, more
- Brion, N.; De Brabandere, L.; De Galan, S.; Dehairs, F.A.; Baeyens, W. (2002). Nitrification in a highly polluted European estuary (the Scheldt estuary) and consequences on changing the natural isotopic ratio of 15N in particulate organic matter (poster), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 13 March 2002: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 7: pp. 29, more
Reports (15) [show] |
- Van Grieken, R.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Van Langenhove, H.; Wollast, R. (2004). Biogeochemistry of nutrients, metals and organic micropollutants in the North Sea. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee". Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid = Belgian Science Policy = Politique Scientifique Fédérale: Brussel. 87, app. pp., more
- Wartel, S.; Chen, M.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.; Bouillon, S.; Leermaekers, M.; Van Den Winkel, P. (2004). Bepaling van de verhouding marien-fluviatiel slib in de beneden Zeeschelde in het voorjaar van 2004. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Afdeling Maritieme Toegang: Antwerpen. 66 pp., more
- Hellings, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A. (2000). Studie van de interactie tussen waterkolom en het intertidaal in de Zeeschelde: biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof (verlenging januari-december 1999): eindverslag. Algemene Milieu Impaktstudie Sigmaplan (AMIS), AMIS DS6.3. VUB. Laboratorium voor Analytische Chemie: Brussel. 22 pp., more
- Hellings, L.; Van Damme, S.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Dehairs, F.A.; Van Den Driessche, K.; Keppens, E. (1999). Onderzoek Milieu-effecten Sigmaplan (OMES): deelstudie 7.3. Water-schor interactie: de biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof. Eindverslag. Algemene Milieu Impaktstudie Sigmaplan (AMIS), AMIS DS7.3. VUB: Brussel. 115, 33 pp., more
- Baeyens, W.; Dehairs, F.; Goeyens, L.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1989). Stable pollutants in the eastern part of the North Sea. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1989(E:33). ICES: Copenhagen. [no pag.] pp., more
- Monteny, F.; Leermakers, M.; Vandenhoudt, A.; Baeyens, W. (1989). Stable pollutants in the Scheldt estuary. CM Documents - ICES, CM 1989(E:37). ICES: Copenhagen. [no pag.] pp., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Monteny, F.; Leermakers, M.; Lansens, P.; Vandenhoudt, A. (1988). Studie van de verontreinigingsgraad van baggerslib in de Schelde. Synthese Rapport. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. , more
- Baeyens, W.; Decadt, G.; Dehairs, F.; Goeyens, L.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Gillain, G. (1982). Part 5. Interaction kinetics between dissolved inorganic mercury and estuarine suspended matter. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:38). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 109-124 pp., more
- Baeyens, W.; Wartel, S.; Dehairs, F.; Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H. (1982). The river Scheldt as a transport route for heavy metals in the sea. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:37). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 85-107 pp., more
- Decadt, G.; Baeyens, W.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F. (1982). Part 6. An approach to elaborate a passive transport model. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:39). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 125-137 pp., more
- Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Dehairs, F.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (1982). Spatial, temporal and compartmental distribution in the water column. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1982(E:35). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 35-57 pp., more
- Decadt, G.; Bogaert, M.; Goeyens, L.; Baeyens, W. (1980). Determinations of mercury in various compartments of a coastal marine ecosystem. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1980(E:37). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 59-73 pp., more
- Baeyens, W.; Decadt, G.; Elskens, I. (1979). Determination of dissolved, particulate and total mercury in the water column of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, with adapted analytical procedures. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1979(E:61). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 235-254 pp., more
- Mommaerts, J.P.; Baeyens, W.; Decadt, G. (1979). Synthesis of research on nutrients in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1979(E:60). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 215-234 pp., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Elskens, I. (1978). Distribution and behaviour of mercury in the North Sea and Scheldt estuary. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1978(E:47). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 11 + tables + figures pp., more
Other publications (3) [show] |
- Mommaerts, J.-P.; Pichot, G.; Ozer, J.; Adam, Y.A.; Baeyens, W.F.J. (1984). Nitrogen cycling and budget in Belgian coastal waters: North Sea areas with and without river inputs. Rapp. et Proc.-Verb. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer 183: 57-69, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dehairs, F.A.; Goeyens, L. (1982). De distributie van zware metalen in de waterkolom van de Belgische kustzone. Water 5: 150-153, more
- Dehairs, F.A.; Dedeurwaerder, H.; Dejonghe, M.; Decadt, G.; Gillain, G.; Baeyens, W.F.J.; Elskens, I. (1982). Boundary conditions for heavy metals at the air-sea interface, in: Nihoul, J.C.J. et al. (Ed.) Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksacties Interuniversitaire Actie Oceanologie: eindverslag 1. Hydrodynamic and dispersion models, boundary fluxes and boundary conditions = Actions de Recherche Concertées Action Interuniversitaire Océanologie: rapport final 1. Hydrodynamic and dispersion models, boundary fluxes and boundary conditions. pp. 223-242, more
Thesis (co-)promotor (3) [show] |