The “marine environment” unit belongs to DG Environment’s international section. It relies on a group of dynamic and motivated experts. The coordination with the regions takes place primarily within the “North Sea and Oceans” Steering Group attached to the Coordinating Committee for International Environmental Policy (CCPIE). This Steering Group North Sea and Oceans SG is an ideal forum for close consultation between the federal public services and the regions on all subjects relating to protection of the marine environment (cf. Management of the marine environment) .
Let us look at a few specific examples. OSPAR drew up a list of the most dangerous substances, for which reduction measures were indispensable. Belgium’s contributions to this list were prepared through consultations organised within the “North Sea and Oceans” Steering Group. Practical coordinated measures for reducing discharges of a given substance into the environment were also devised within this group, which can also consult and be consulted by the industrial sectors concerned or other organisations involved. Not surprisingly, this process often involves highly technical working meetings.