Anionic species of V, As, Se, Mo, Sb, Te and W in the Scheldt and Rhine estuaries and the Southern Bight (North Sea)
van der Sloot, H.A.; Hoede, D.; Wijkstra, J.; Duinker, J.C.; Nolting, R.F. (1985). Anionic species of V, As, Se, Mo, Sb, Te and W in the Scheldt and Rhine estuaries and the Southern Bight (North Sea). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 21(5): 633-651.
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 280887 [ aanvragen ]
Trefwoorden |
Author keywords |
arsenic; tungsten; selenium; molybdenum; antimony; tellurium; vanadium; estuaries; seawater; North Sea |
Auteurs | | Top |
- van der Sloot, H.A.
- Hoede, D.
- Wijkstra, J.
- Duinker, J.C.
- Nolting, R.F.
Abstract |
Oxy-anionic species of V, As, Se, Mo, Sb, Te and W were measured in solution and suspension in samples obtained during several cruises in the Dutch Wadden Sea, the offshore region of the Southern Bight (North Sea) and in the estuaries of the Rhine and Scheldt. Dissolved concentrations at salinities above 34·5 × 10-3 ( = 34·5%. S) agreed generally well with published open ocean values. It is suggested that Se speciation differs from the open ocean. In the Wadden Sea, concentrations of V, Se, Mo and Sb were linearly related to salinity (10–35 × 10-3). The good agreement between measured and extrapolated values at a salinity of 0·5 × 10-3 suggests conservative behaviour in the Rhine estuary (with residence time of freshwater in the order of a few days). Dissolved concentration vs. salinity plots in the Scheldt estuary (residence time 2–3 months) showed pronounced minima and maxima. These occurred in the low or medium salinity range for V, As and Sb. Linear behaviour was observed for Se and Mo (in some cases, relatively large differences between cruises were detected). Deviations from linearity in the plots are interpreted in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium conditions involving species with different solubilities (V), local input from land (As, Se, Sb, Te) and removal from solution (As), probably through coprecipitation with Fe(OH)3.In the offshore samples, the contributions of particulate forms to the total element concentrations were small (< 15%). At higher SPM concentrations (about 30 mg dm-3), this percentage remained small for Se, Mo and Sb (< 15%); it was substantial for V and As (25–50%). |